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Sunday, 28 October 2012

Day and Night

Day and night happens because the Earth rotates on its axis.

Photographer Stephen Wilkes creates remarkable images of night and day at once by setting up his camera to take pictures of a single scene over and over for 15 hours. He then blends the images to get this time-defying effect…

The parts of the world that are in daylight get warmer while the parts that are dark gradually lose the heat they absorbed during the day.

As the Earth rotates, different sides of the Earth face towards the Sun or face away from the Sun.

cn day and night one photo cropped ll 120417 vblog Day and Night in a Single Photo

The Earth's relationship with the sun also creates seasons.

As the Earth spins on its axis, parts of the planet are in the sun while others are in the shade. In other words, the sun appears to rise and set.


Unknown said...

Those pictures are really attractive!

Unknown said...

Those pictures are really attractive!

Unknown said...

Gambar ini amat menarik.

Unknown said...

Gambar ini menarik.

Sia Siik Ling (D20112054034) Kumpulan EL-Q02(A121PJJ) said...

Gambar yang digunakan jelas dan menarik.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Tang Yieng Ping said...

Those pictures are very interesting. Where do you find them and how to join the day and night together? I also want to learn more. TQ!

Cynthia Yeo said...

Gambar yang sungguh menarik perhatian.

Anonymous said...


amy tang said...

nice pictures!!